Thursday, 4 October 2012

Painting Update and a fridge full of other stuff

Been on the pilot piece for about another three days. What I thought was going to be a quick painting has turned into an eye bleeder. It's a good test of patience (detail needs to be there) but hard not to overdo it and noodle the hell out of it.
Other than that, a great opportunity has come up to be interviewed by Rogers Cable to promote the studio tour has come up and I've been invited to participate in another show at the Woodstock Art Gallery. Throw in the move, studio tour and a whack of other things it's been busy.... looking forward to November.


  1. not sure what I like about this painting but I really think it's cool

    cousin Rob

    1. Hey Rob, I'm working on a large set of paintings following one narrative (thinking book long term)

  2. I love it! Great to see you blogging. You're moving? Not far away I hope.

  3. Hi Cindy, I am staying put, Robin is moving in here at the end of the month, there's going to a bit of lunacy in October.
